We all know the phrase; water is life, and yet most of us take it for granted. Clean water is one of the most essential sources for our health, living situation and food supply and with the outlook on overcrowded cities and the growing water demand, this life source is at risk. ‘L'eau-ase’ will not only offer a solution in providing housing to overpopulated cities like Amsterdam, but will also aim to create a new way of using, managing and sharing water. The objective is to create an urban water cycle which is local, social and flexible and consequently decrease the pressure on our original water sources. By doing so we want to raise awareness and promote a transition towards sustainable and efficient use of water.
Project Information
Client StatusThe Netherlands and water; they have an inseparable connection. One look at the map over the centuries is enough to realize how defining water is for the country.
The Dutch chose centuries ago to fight the water against all odds. They learned how to adapt themselves and proactively find ways to live with water. Amsterdam attract tourists from all over the world and they sure make a pretty picture but are we using water wisely?